Birmingham Focused Transoesophageal Echocardiography Course 19 - 21st May 2025
Places still available for Day 3. Days 1 & 2 have now sold out
Day 3: £100: Advanced day of specialist lectures
19-21 May 2025
Education Centre, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
Course directors
Dr Vinothan Loganathan (Consultant Liver Anaesthetist) & Dr Mohammed Arshad (Consultant Liver Anaesthetist and Intensivist)
Course description
·Three-day face-to-face course for the fTOE accreditation (https://ics.ac.uk/product/ftoe.html (https://ics.ac.uk/product/ftoe.html) (https://ics.ac.uk/product/ftoe.html) (https://ics.ac.uk/product/ftoe.html))), endorsed by the Association of Anaesthetists and Intensive Care Society. Simulated practice and specialist lectures by an experienced faculty of anaesthetists, intensivists, cardiologists and cardiac surgeons
·Day 1 & 2: Beginner simulation course mapped to the AoA/ICS fTOE curriculum. Delegates working towards fTOE accreditation are advised to book Day 1 & 2.
·Day 3: Advanced day of specialist lectures. Beyond the scope of fTOE, aimed at delegates familiar with TOE and beginners interested in expanding their horizons. Can be booked separately or in addition to Day 1 & 2.
FTOE accreditation pathway (https://ics.ac.uk/product/ftoe.html (https://ics.ac.uk/product/ftoe.html) (https://ics.ac.uk/product/ftoe.html (https://ics.ac.uk/product/ftoe.html))
- In collaboration between the Intensive Care Society and the Association of Anaesthetists we have developed a Focused transoesophageal echo (fTOE) accreditation for both ICU and anaesthesia. fTOE is valuable when unexplained life-threatening circulatory instability persists despite corrective therapy, and whenever a focused ultrasound scan (FUSIC) is unable or unlikely to answer the clinical question. You can improve your ability to perform focused transoesophageal echo by completing the fTOE accreditation.
- https://ics.ac.uk/product/ftoe.html (https://ics.ac.uk/product/ftoe.html)
For course enquiries, please email:
vinothan.loganathan@uhb.nhs.uk (mailto:vinothan.loganathan@uhb.nhs.uk)