
Transform Lives
through Action

Every contribution to our cause becomes a beacon of hope, directly enhancing the quality of care and support available to patients and their families.

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Empowering Cancer Patients

Every two minutes, someone in the UK is diagnosed with cancer. The latest statistics show that 1-2 people will now face cancer in some way.

We want to do all we can to help those children and adults who are treated at our hospitals and in the community as they face one of the toughest challenges in their lives.

Helping Children Smile Again

Being in hospital can be scary, especially for children, which is why we want to make the experience as relaxing as possible to create a brighter space for young patients and their families.

We transform wards into welcoming spaces, provide essential equipment for newborns, support children with cancer, and even fund a mobile dental units. With your help, we can continue to make a lasting difference in the lives of thousands of children every year.

Fisher House

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham is the receiving hospital for injured military personnel from home and abroad.

Fisher House UK was built to support those military patients and their families when they need us most.

The 18-bedroom home, offers injured military personnel and their family a free home away from home so they can be close to their loved ones while they're being treated at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.

The Giles’ Trust Brain Tumour Fund

16,000 people are diagnosed with a brain tumour every year in the UK. Only around one in 10 of those patients survive beyond five years.

The Giles’ Trust Brain Tumour Fund was set up after the wife of England Cricketer, Ashley Giles suffered a brain tumour. Stine Giles was treated on a new TomoTherapy machine funded by Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham Charity just weeks before she was diagnosed.

Home Away From Home

The Hospital Charity's appeal offers free accommodation near our hospitals, keeping families close during difficult times.

From our military haven, Fisher House, to homes near QE and Heartlands Hospitals, we reduce stress and ease the burden for families.

Your donations help fund this vital support, offering comfort and peace when needed most. With your help, we can help to provide these added extras and support patients and their families when they need it the most.

Liver Research

We are committed to improving the lives of patients affected by liver disease.

We proudly partner with organisations like the Ann Fox Foundation, whose generous donations have helped acquire life-saving equipment. With ongoing fundraising efforts support the development of the Edmonds Transplant Centre, a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to providing comprehensive care for patients undergoing organ transplants.

Helping Our Military Heroes

We are proud to support our military heroes through two vital programs: Fisher House and Diving with the Injured.

Fisher House offers a free, 18-bedroom home for military families near the hospital, reducing stress and financial burdens during treatment. Since 2013, it's welcomed over 7,000 families.

Diving with the Injured is a unique program offering scuba diving to veterans with life-changing injuries, helping them rebuild confidence.

Supporting The NHS

Help us support our NHS by showing your appreciation for the service it provides.

You can raise money for the QE, Heartlands, Good Hope or Solihull Hospitals by getting involved with our many events, or you can fundraise in your own way, like hosting your own Big Tea event which we celebrate at our hospitals every year on the anniversary of the NHS on the 5 July.

Supporting Patients Wellbeing

We are committed to providing essential support to the NHS, enhancing patient care, and bolstering healthcare professionals. Through fundraising initiatives, community engagement, and strategic partnerships, we secure vital resources, fund innovative projects, and offer assistance to ensure the NHS can continue delivering exceptional care to all.

Join us in our mission to uplift and empower the NHS as it strives towards excellence in healthcare.

Older People

Our hospital Charities for Heartlands, Good Hope, Solihull Hospitals and Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, are dedicated to supporting patients from premature babies to our older patients across these four hospital sites.

For our older patients, we support the wards by funding various activities to help them during treatment. We provide interactive games to encourage communication and aid memory.

Further Appeals

We support more than two million patients every year at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Heartlands Hospital, Good Hope Hospital, Solihull Hospital and Community Services through various appeals.

As well as the many cancer appeals we also support patients from birth to their final years. From Cystic Fibrosis and Liver Disease to Major trauma patients and those with rare diseases.