Further Appeals
We support more than two million patients every year at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Heartlands Hospital, Good Hope Hospital, Solihull Hospital and Community Services through various appeals.
As well as the many cancer appeals we also support patients from birth to their final years. From Cystic Fibrosis and Liver Disease to Major trauma patients and those with rare diseases.

Major Trauma Service
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham has a specialist Major Trauma Service that receives some of the most serious trauma patients from across the Midlands.
The hospital charity supports the Major Trauma Service through the 4Trauma4Patients scheme, which provides patients and families with support from the minute they come through the doors of the hospital, whilst they are with us, and ongoing support once they leave the hospital.

Critical Care
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham has the largest single-floor Critical Care Department in Europe.
For many patients at QEHB, particularly those who have suffered major head trauma, the transfer to Radiology is not without risk. These patients need to be disconnected from the ventilator and bedside monitoring, laid flat and then transported 2 floors down for the scan. When the scan is complete, the process happens in reverse.

Centre For Rare Diseases
There are over 7,000 rare diseases classified in the UK. Of these, 80% have a genetic basis and surprisingly, one in 17 of us will be affected by a rare disease in our lives.
It is recognised nationally that at present, the specialist care for patients with rare diseases needs to improve. These patients can require the input of a large number of various medical, nursing and therapeutic specialists.

Kidney Research - Win Sabapathy Foundation
Funding world class research into kidney disease, kidney transplants and longevity, working with doctors, nurses and researchers at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham;
The Win Sabapathy Foundation for Kidney Research was set up in memory of Win Sabapathy to raise money and awareness for kidney research.

Cystic Fibrosis Centre
Heartlands Hospital is home to the West Midlands Adult Cystic Fibrosis Centre, the only one of its type in the region. The unit treats over 300 patients each year for cystic fibrosis, with many patients requiring lengthy stays on the unit as inpatients.
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder which affects more than 10,000 people in the UK. Patients with cystic fibrosis spend much of their time in hospital. As many patients stay on the unit for long periods of time, the unit has a range of facilities to make their stay as comfortable as possible, helping them to remain active and healthy, and ultimately helping them to go home sooner.

The Ann Fox Foundation
The Ann Fox Foundation supports liver transplant patients and their families, in memory of Ann Fox, a liver transplant recipient from the Isle of Man.
Thanks to the donations raised by The Ann Fox Foundation, in 2019 the Queen Elizabeth Hospital was able to purchase an Organox machine which can increase the numbers of livers suitable for transplants by keeping blood and oxygen pumping through them even after donation.

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham Charity prides itself on supporting ground-breaking equipment that revolutionises a patient's treatment and leads the way in medical advancements.
MaxilloFacial is one of those pioneering projects that we helped fund. The 3D printer planning software worth nearly £40,000 helps the hospital’s Maxillofacial Prosthetic Department, by creating facial prosthetics and is at the forefront of reconstructive surgery services in the UK.

The Dr Pete Millns Research Fund into Myeloprolific Disorders
The Dr Pete Millns Research Fund into Myeloprolific Disorders raises money to help fund research into rare blood cancers and support patients with similar conditions

Pituitary Tumour
Pituitary tumours can affect people at any age, and whilst they are rare they can have a lifelong impact. From headaches and vision problems to infertility, fatigue, cardiovascular disease, and even early death. If you would like to support the Pituitary Service deliver the best possible care to patients, please click on the button below.