Amazing fundraiser gives back to Breast Unit
A huge thank you goes out to fundraiser Bethany Amos, former patient at QEHB’s Breast Unit.
Bethany’s treatment began after she discovered a lump in her left breast. She said: “The staff in the Breast Care Unit were so friendly and gave the best care they could. For this reason I want to raise as much money as possible for them as a thank you for their exceptional treatment and care."
Bethany has organised a fundraising raffle for later this year and has received fantastic support from many sponsors, including Experience Days who have kindly donated a £50 paintball voucher for five people. For more information about Experience Days you can visit their website at:
Fundraising Officer Sophie Carroll said “The Charity is so grateful for fundraisers like Bethany, without them it would not be able do to what it does as a charity.”