Book sale donations total £2,500!

UHB Charity is thrilled to announce yet another donation from Herkomal Singh Patara (aka Rainbow Man) for £501.00! This will be the third donation he has made which brings his current total to an amazing £2,503 to UHB Charities NHS Superheroes Appeal to support staff and patients during the Covid-19.
He has raised the money by generously donating all the proceeds of the sale of his book ‘Mumbles13’ which he describes as a modern, practical, fourth dimensional, self help guide relating to mind, body and spirit. Speaking of the difference that the money will make, Herkomal said, “I was determined to do something to help the NHS staff in their hour of need, as they have selflessly risked their lives for the community and betterment of humanity. I am delighted that I have been able to make these donations (due to the support of those that purchased the book and helped me promote the book and cause) to my local hospitals charity to support patients and staff across the West Midlands.”
Charlotte Schofield, Director of Fundraising at University Hospitals Birmingham Charity, said: “We are so grateful to receive another donation from Herkomal who has supported us throughout the pandemic. The money he has raised has helped fund iPads for our patients, to allow them to stay in contact with their loved ones at a time where they cannot have visitors on the wards and staff wellbeing sessions. We have also been funding activity packs for our patients to keep them entertained during their time in hospital as it can be an isolating time.”
“Since the start of the pandemic we have been supporting our staff through our wellbeing hubs, which are open for staff to relax, eat and drink in, away from the wards. This latest donation will allow us to fund some of our long term mental health projects to ensure our staff are continuously supported as we move forward. We are so grateful for everything he has done during the pandemic and his ongoing dedication to helping give back to our NHS Superheroes."
Herkomal wishes to sincerely thank everyone from his heart for supporting the charitable cause by purchasing a book or placing a bulk order (for staff, family and friends) and feels truly touched.
To find out more and purchase your own copy please head to