Solihull Physiotherapists raise funds in memory of colleague

The Physiotherapy Department at Solihull Hospital raised over £230 from a cake and coffee morning on 21 September to be split between their department and Marie Curie.
The monies were raised in memory of their colleague, Lesley Dransfield who was a Physiotherapist on the department but sadly passed away. The team knew they wanted to do a charity event in her memory and decided to raise funds for their own department, as Lesley would have wanted, and Marie Curie as they looked after her during her illness.
Samantha Howell, Fundraising Manager at Solihull Hospital said: "Thank you to everybody in the Department for donating this money to us, I was deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Lesley and humbled to hear about her colleagues rallying together to honour her memory."