Team of hospital stars to take on fun run

The Great Midlands Fun Run (also known as the Sutton Fun Run) is taking place on 3 June and Good Hope Hospital Charity is celebrating an amazing team of staff from the hospital who are taking on the 8.5 mile challenge to raise funds for the hospital.
Having dubbed themselves ‘Team Chemo’, the dedicated bunch of fun runners will be taking to the streets of Sutton Coldfield to raise money to support the Haematology and Oncology Day Unit at Good Hope Hospital.
Gemma Chance is a staff nurse at Good Hope Hospital and the driving force behind the team, said: “I thought it would be great to put in a team from the chemotherapy unit at Good Hope Hospital. The Sutton Fun Run is a big event in the Sutton Coldfield calendar so what better way to raise money for a great cause?”
The team of ten will be donning their stylish Charity running vests and running, walking or jogging their way around the course, designed to be challenging but fun. It is not too late to join them, if you would like to take part in the Great Midlands Fun Run for the hospital charity, get in touch with You will have to hurry as entries close on 26 March!
As for ‘Team Chemo’, they will be busy preparing over the coming weeks for the challenge ahead. Fundraising Manager at Good Hope Hospital, Laura Power, said: “It’s fantastic to see such a big team from one department taking part in the fun run this year. It will be a really fun day, not just for those taking part but for the hundreds who will come out to watch them. It will be fantastic to see the hospital so well-represented. Good luck to them all!”
If you would like to support ‘Team Chemo’ in their fundraising efforts, please click here.