VINCI makes grant to support NHS Superheroes

University Hospitals Birmingham Charity has received a grant of £22,000 from the VINCI Foundation to support its NHS Superheroes appeal, helping to develop staff wellbeing hubs across Good Hope, the Queen Elizabeth, Heartlands and Solihull Hospitals.
VINCI Facilities Building Solutions made a successful submission to the VINCI Foundation, VINCI’s charitable organisation, and a grant of £22,000 was awarded to UHB Charity to develop the wellbeing hubs across the four sites.
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK, University Hospitals Birmingham Charity has raised funds to support the 22,000 members of staff across the hospital, providing them with items and services to support their physical and mental health.
Laura Power, Fundraising Manager at UHB Charity, said: “Thanks to the generous donations that we have received, we have been able to do so much to support our staff. This grant from VINCI will help us to fund wellbeing hubs across the sites. These hubs provide a place for members of staff to relax in, away from the ward, where they can eat and drink and socialise together.
“At the peak of the pandemic, the hubs were so vital to our staff for their physical and mental wellbeing, and as a Charity we wanted to fund the continuation of these hubs so that they can continue to be a space for our hardworking staff to relax.
“On behalf of everyone at UHB I would like to thank the VINCI Foundation and VINCI Facilities Building Solutions for this generous grant. Over the years we have been delighted to have the support of VINCI, who built Fisher House, our home away from home for military patients and their families at QEHB. We look forward to working with them again in the future."
Find out more about how UHB Charity is supporting patients and staff at this difficult time here.