Andrew's journey home

Lt Col Dr Andrew Jacks is a Consultant ophthalmic surgeon in the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC). Currently, Dr Jacks is based in Afghanistan however this hasn’t stopped him from fundraising for Fisher House.

Dr Andrew Jacks decided to fundraise via a static bike ride calling his challenge ‘Andrew’s journey home’. His aim was to cycle 3,500 miles, the approximate distance from Kabul, Afghanistan to his home in London, he pledged to cycle over 60 miles a day to ensure he achieved his epic challenge!

Dr Jacks said: “I have served in the Royal Army Medical Corps since 1986, and since 2002 I have worked at the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine based at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. I have currently been deployed to Afghanistan for three months treating eye injuries in the Craig Joint Theatre Hospital.

The Craig Joint hospital is the only hospital of its type in Afghanistan and treats injured coalition soldiers. I am raising money for Fisher House UK, Fisher House is a military ‘home away from home’ based on site of QEHB, military patients and their families can stay free of charge. The house has 18 bedrooms and is a three-minute walk from the main hospital. Since opening in June 2013 Fisher House has provided accommodation to 4,169 people”

Pictured above: Lt Col Dr Andrew Jacks

Fisher House offers a great deal of comfort to patients and their families during such a difficult time whilst their loved ones are in hospital. Since its opening in 2013 Fisher House has provided 23,043 nights’ accommodation (over 63 years’ worth). Due to the world-class care carried out at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, and the lessons learnt from the battlefield, servicemen and women often survive injuries today that they would have died from just a few years ago. But injuries sustained can be life-changing for both them and for their families.

During uncertain times, families want to be with their loved ones and Fisher House is here for them: a ‘home away from home’ within walking distance of the hospital, providing a safe space for families to adjust and recover during this difficult time.

Fisher House is entirely funded by charitable donations, each year Fisher House costs £250,000 to run. Without generous donations the Charity receives the ‘home away from home’ would not be available.

Sophie Carroll, Senior Fundraising Officer at QEHB Charity said: “Huge thanks go to Dr Andrew Jacks for his tremendous effort in completing the 3,500 mile static bike challenge and raising an astonishing £13,000 to support Fisher House. It sounded extremely tough however his efforts will help to offer a home away from home for military patients and their families at Fisher House, thank you!”

For more information on Fisher House and how you too can donate to the Charity please visit