Baby Bobby and family fundraise for Incubator appeal

Bobby Morgan was born through an emergency caesarean section on 18 May 2018 in the early hours of the morning at Heartlands Hospital at just 26 weeks and 3 days gestation.
As Bobby’s mum, Hayley, had a c-section, she had to wait until later in the day to meet her baby boy. Hayley said: “I just burst into tears when I saw him. Seeing this tiny baby full of wires and machines keeping him alive just scared me to death. The nurse looking after Bobby gave me a massive cuddle and told me that he was doing well and fighting.
“I will never forget that hug and that was the start of a very special relationship that got me through the next 64 days of being on the Neonatal Unit.”

Pictured above: Bobby in the incubator at Heartlands Hospital
This year, Heartlands Hospital Charity launched a £150,000 appeal to fundraise for seven brand new state-of-the-art incubators that will help save even more tiny lives at Heartlands and Good Hope hospitals.
The new incubators allow much easier access to the baby for nurses and families, without causing any heat loss. They will also be able to cool the baby, as some premature babies need specialist therapeutic hypothermia to reduce the likelihood of brain injury. Currently, babies who need this treatment have to be transferred to another hospital.
During the first few days of Bobby’s life, his parents, Hayley and Jordan, were told that he had a grade four bleed on the left side of his brain which may cause some disability on one side of his body in the future.
The bleed caused Bobby to get hydrocephalus which is where the brain fluid gets blocked and makes the head grow abnormally. Bobby required three lumbar punctures, an MRI and two blood transfusions whilst on the unit.
To thank the staff at the hospital for all of their hard work looking after Bobby and his family, Hayley decided to organise a Prematuri-tea party and raised an incredible £525 for the Incubator appeal!

Pictured above: Bobby's Tea Party for World Prematurity Day and the Incubator appeal
Talking about her time on the unit, Hayley said: “The team on the Neonatal Unit become your family and you see them more than you see your own family. They answered all our questions and were there at any point of the day if we ever needed anything.
“They got me through everything, first cuddles, first nappy change, coming off the ventilator, first time wearing clothes, and so many other times. They even made Jordan’s first Father’s Day special, on top of the incubator was a card and present from the staff that said ‘To Daddy’. It was a handmade card with Bobby’s footprints on and book called ‘Daddy is my Hero’.”
On 22 July, Bobby was able to go home with the help of the Community Team visiting him at home and monitoring his oxygen, without this team he would’ve been in hospital for longer.
You can still help us raise money for the new incubators by donating to the JustGiving page here.

Pictured above: Bobby now, at home