Birmingham hospital charity launches appeal to help families after the loss of a baby

The loss of a baby is indescribable and leaves a lasting impact on parents. To mark Baby Loss Awareness Week (9 – 15 October) Heartlands Hospital Charity has launched a fundraising campaign to renovate the bereavement suite, a space for families experiencing baby loss at Heartlands Hospital, to offer a peaceful and private en-suite rooms for parents in their time of need.

Clare Beesley, Bereavement Support Midwife at Heartlands Hospital, said: “The new Eden Suite will enable the midwives and maternity care assistants to care for families throughout their grief journey. We focus on the whole family, welcoming siblings, grandparents, family, and friends offering support and a calm space to process.

“When families have a limited time with their baby every moment is precious, and the environment can make a huge difference in how families remember their baby. This is why the renovations to the Eden Suite will help it to be such an important place; the calm environment and familiar surrounds will mean that families have a place of quiet, away from the main areas of the maternity unit.”

The new Eden Suite bereavement rooms include a double bed, a sofa and ensuite facilities, all providing a home away from home feel that offers space and comfort.”

Heartlands Hospital Charity funds various projects to help parents going through such a traumatic time like rooms with soothing décor and homely comforts as well as a private garden for families to go to away from the unit.