Cadets swim almost 40 miles in aid of Fisher House

Ray Kirton has been fundraising for over four years for Fisher House to help provide those added extras for the people who stay there, and there is no stopping him and the Southam RAF Cadets in taking part in their annual event.
Every year the cadets take part in a swimming event and 2018 was no different. They decided to try swimming the distance between their leisure centre in Southam and Fisher House, here on the site of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.
The total distance, which is just under 40 miles, was completed in the day and they raised an astonishing £1,500 for Fisher House!
Sophie Carroll, Senior Fundraiser at QEHB Charity, said: “A huge thanks goes to Ray and all of the cadets involved, as well as North Leamington School, Southam Leisure Centre, Chris Drury and Ray and his wife Bev for their continued support for Fisher House.
“Fisher House costs £250,000 a year to keep running and without donations like these we would not be able to provide this continued support for military patients and their families whilst they are being treated at the hospital and for their future.”
Fisher House has been open since June 2013 and has so far welcomed over 4,000 guests and provided over 23,000 nights’ accommodation. Without donations like this, the Charity would not be able to support the patients and families that benefit from Fisher House every day.
Dave Watson, Patient Advocate for Fisher House, has also visited the team that take part in the annual fundraising event to thank them personally for all of their help, support and donations that help people like him and his family have somewhere to stay during such difficult times.
To find out more about Fisher House and how you can support the patients and families who stay there, please visit