Claire faces fears for Mobile CT Scanner appeal

Claire Dixon’s mum was admitted to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham in 2017 to have a brain tumour removed and thanks to her incredible care, Claire has raised an incredible amount of money for the Mobile CT Scanner appeal.
Claire’s mum, Lesley Harris, was treated in Critical Care when she had her brain tumour partly removed in 2017, she needed CT scans whilst she was on the unit but had to be transferred across to Radiology, two floors down, to get these scans done which can cause further injuries to patients due to the movement.
Talking about the care her mum received, Claire said: “Whilst my mum was in intensive care, the communication we had from all of the staff was just amazing, the care they provide is just outstanding.
“I heard about the Mobile CT Scanner and thought I have to do something. Mum needed a scan after her 13 and a half hour operation and had to be sedated to be moved, having this new scanner on the ward would be such a help and less disruptive.”
The Critical Care team are currently fundraising for a Mobile CT Scanner which will mean that the piece of equipment goes to the patient rather than the other way around. The patient will therefore not have to be moved out of their bed meaning that the risk of further injury is minimalised.
Thanks to the care Lesley received, Claire and her sister-in-law Pippa, took on a tandem skydive to raise an incredible amount of money for the hospital charity’s Mobile CT Scanner appeal. Altogether they raised an amazing £1,845.70 for the appeal!
Claire said: “I can honestly say we had an amazing experience doing the skydive. I’m so proud of our town for helping us to achieve this amazing amount. I will be forever grateful to them, and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham will always remain close to our hearts for all they did and continue to do.”
Along with the skydive, Claire shared her story on Facebook and the landlord at their local pub, The Bell Inn in Leominster, held a darts match, Claire’s dad sold football cards, and a family friend’s daughter, Lexi, painted people’s nails, all to raise money for the appeal.
Roisin Mooney, Fundraising Officer for QEHB Charity, said: "A huge well done goes to Claire and Pippa for taking part in a skydive for the hospital charity, and to everyone who got involved to help them out with their fundraising!
"The Mobile CT Scanner will be an incredible addition to the Critical Care Unit for patients just like Lesley who need a CT scan whilst on the unit!"
To find out more about the Mobile CT Scanner appeal and how you can get involved with it, please click here.