Couple's triple celebration raises hundreds for cancer patients

A kind hearted couple from Warwick raised hundreds of pounds for cancer patients at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, by asking for donations instead of presents as they celebrated their Golden wedding anniversary.
The couple, Goff and Anne, and their two children, held an afternoon tea party for family and friends at the village hall. As well as marking their 50th year of marriage, the event also celebrated Goff's 75th birthday and Anne's 70th birthday.
The generous pair raised a brilliant £750 which they decided to donate to the radiotherapy department at the hospital, in recognition of Anne's successful treatment for anaplastic cancer.
Sophie Carroll, Fundraising Officer at QEHB Charity, said: "It was lovely to meet with Ann and Goff and to hear about their reasons for supporting the Charity. We are really grateful for their fantastic donation and would like to congratulate them on raising so much money to support patients at the hospital."
To find out more about how the Charity supports patients, please go to or call 0121 371 4852.