Eden Suite is Charity of the year following 'legendary' football match

Salts Healthcare, an Aston-based health equipment company has chosen Heartlands' Hospital's Eden Suite as its Charity of the Year and has donated a fantastic £3,100 towards extra equipment and facilities for department.
The Eden Suite exists to support families whose babies have been stillborn, or died during or shortly following birth. Laura and Rob Bell spent time on the Suite in 2015 following the sad loss of their baby boy after discovering he had a rare condition at their 20 week scan. Inspired by the support they received, Birmingham City fan, Rob contacted the football team to organise a charity match with the 'Legends Team' (see below).

Laura said: "The day was a great success, everybody enjoyed themselves and the team put up a good fight against the Legends, and most importantly we raised over £3,000."
Salts choose three charities of the year and raised funds by holding cake sales, dress down days, an annual family fun day, as well as the staff getting stuck in with events such as Tough Mudder.
"Rob and I are passionate about giving back to the Eden Suite as they helped us through such a difficult time. I am extremely grateful to Rob's employer, Salts Healthcare for choosing them as their Charity of the Year. Since the match in 2016, I have given birth to my beautiful daughter."
Sian Averill, Fundraising Manager at Heartlands Hospital said: "Thank you to Salts Healthcare and the Bells raising so much for the Eden Suite, it is an incredibly important service and one the hospital is proud to provide."