Family host cricket day in memory of Dheeraj

Dheeraj Patel was treated at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham when he was diagnosed with cancer until he passed away in 2018. His family and friends now want to thank the hospital for their care of Dheeraj by hosting a huge family cricket day in his memory.

Almost 100 friends and family members pulled together to host and take part in a huge charity cricket day in memory of Dheeraj in September 2019.

Pictured above: Dheeraj Patel

Vanita Gohil, Dheeraj’s sister, said: “As a family we organised a brilliant activity packed day for all to enjoy as well as to raise money and awareness for the cancer ward at QEHB where DJ was treated.

“His natural kindness, helpfulness, calm and positive attitude made him a unique person. DJ fought every day since the day he was diagnosed, without a single tear or fear during his battle. He was the type of person that would never put himself first and always helped others.

“We had an amazing event! I couldn’t believe how much we raised, I am so happy as a family we all pulled together.”

The event was held on 8 September and was an activity packed day with games of cricket, rounders, a raffle and bake sale all in Dheeraj’s memory which raised an incredible £3,175!

Ellie Pocock, Fundraising Assistant for QEHB Charity, said: “Dheeraj’s family and friends have raised an incredible amount of money in his memory for the hospital charity. All of the money raised will be spent on added extras that go over and above what the NHS can fund for patients just like Dheeraj.”

The hospital charity has funded all sorts of things for the cancer wards at QEHB, from hi-tech equipment like Cyberknife and Tomotherapy, iPads for children to watch television on whilst receiving their treatment, to lollipops to help take away the medicinal taste during chemotherapy treatment.

We can’t fund things like this for patients, staff and families members without your help. To find out how you can get involved and help raise money for the hospital charity, please click here.