Festive joy abounds at the Christmas Carol Service

Last night, the Birmingham Hospitals annual Christmas Carol Service took place in St Philip's Cathedral. Hospital staff, patients, families and charity supporters packed into the beautiful cathedral for an evening of festive singing and readings to mark this special time of year.
The congragation were in good voice singing classic Christmas carols, whilst the Birmingham Community Gospel Choir and the choir of St Peter's Church in Harborne raised the roof with their fantastic performances. Mince pies and mulled wine after the service helped to cap off a wonderful evening of festive cheer.
The service raised money to support patients at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham as part of QEHB Charity's Christmas campaign. The campaign helps to bring Christmas to the hospital, providing trees for each floor of the hospital, special hampers for the staff working on Christmas Day, and free parking on the day, making it easier for families to come and see their loved ones.
Justine Davy, Head of Fundraising for QEHB Charity said: "Last night really was a special occasion. The cathedral looked stunning and I was delighted to see so many people come along to enjoy an evening of singing, and help to raise money to support patients at the hospital.
"Huge thanks go to Rev'd Canon Richard Wharton and the fabulous team at the Faith Centre at QEHB for helping to organise the occasion. The Birmingham Community Gospel Choir and the choir of St Peter's Church, Harborne, really made the evening special.
"Their singing filled the cathedral and many people after the service told me how moved they were by the choirs. Our thanks go to both choirs for their support, and I hope that they will be back in years to come!"
If you would like to find out more about QEHB Charity's Christmas Campaign, or to donate, visit qehbchristmas.org