Golf Society raises money for children in memory of Santa Dan

The S.P.A Golf Society has raised an amazing amount of money for the Children’s appeal at Heartlands Hospital by holding an annual golf day in memory of their former member Dan Jones.
Dan, also known as Santa Dan by the children, passed away in 2008 and dedicated his life to spending Christmas with the children at Heartlands Hospital. Dan gave up his dream job after 34 consecutive years of dressing up as Santa Claus for the children at the hospital after suffering with kidney failure.
Having being recognised on a show with Noel Edmunds for his charity work and also receiving a MBE, he is sadly missed throughout the children’s wards at the hospital.
Dan was also in the Royal Navy and Graham Scott, who organised the golf day, said: “I must confess a Pirate Ship sounds ideal and Dan would certainly have loved that. He’d be the first to splice the mainbrace!”
The golf society he was part of decided to hold an annual golf day in memory of Dan and raised a huge £520 which will go towards the Children’s appeal at the hospital.
Heartlands Hospital Charity will be transforming the children’s areas to make them brighter and more comfortable to minimise stress in the patients and also the families and staff.
The £950,000 appeal is across Heartlands, Good Hope and Solihull hospitals and will see renovations at Heartlands children’s wards, outpatients department and the garden. This will create a safe haven for children to enjoy whilst they are in hospital and make hospitals a less scary place.
Sian Averill, Fundraising Manager at Heartlands Hospital Charity, said: “A huge thank you goes to the S.P.A Golf Society who has raised this amazing amount of money in memory of Dan. The renovations that will be done to the children’s wards and outpatients departments will make a huge difference to how children see the hospital, and will make their visits less stressful.”
To find out more about our Children’s appeal and how you can get involved please visit