Half marathon runner donates £460 in memory of stepfather

Matt Barnett was referred to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham for Liver surgery in April of this year. Matt started his journey to the hospital in May with countless visits to the outpatients department.

In July, Matt had major surgery and was cared for greatly by the staff during his stay following his operation. His wife Yvonne Barnett said ‘The care given to him by the staff was over and above what we expected’.

Sadly, after his return home, Matt became poorly and returned back to QEHB in August where he spent the last days of his life being cared for by his loved ones and staff. Yvonne said ‘Again, the care was amazing, not just for Matt but also for the family.

'The back drop to what was the saddest days for the family was the total care and support from the Critical Care Unit staff and the family knowing that everything possible was done to try to prevent Matt’s death. I will never be able to thank the staff enough for this. From the volunteers, the receptionists, the imaging staff, the surgeons, the ward staff, Critical care staff, chaplaincy, just everyone we encountered at the QE’.

Following the wonderful care that Matt received, the family decided to give something back to the hospital to show their appreciation. Matt’s stepson, Rich Kimber decided to take on the difficult challenge of raising £200 by running in the Cheltenham half marathon for QEHB Charity. Rich surpassed his target by raising an amazing £460 towards the Critical Care Unit.

Justine Davy, Head of Fundraising at QEHB Charity said: “We are extremely grateful to Rich for choosing to support QEHB’s Critical Care Unit. Donations such as this will continue to provide a service that goes ‘over and above’ for our patients and their loved ones during such difficult times. Thank you”

To donate to QEHB Charity and help to support families like Matt's, please click here