Happy 70th Birthday to the NHS!

With over 60 tea parties across the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Heartlands Hospital, Good Hope Hospital and Solihull Hospital and supporting companies, schools and corporate supporters, the NHS’ 70th birthday was a success!
Thousands of cakes were sold and hundreds of cups of tea were drunk for the birthday, with proceeds going to the hospital charity to provide added extras for patients and their families.
All across the four hospital, on wards and departments, in the cafes and the reception areas, people put in their best efforts to bring together plenty of cake to be sold and raise money for the hospital charity.
Some tea parties opted for a theme, with the catering staff at QEHB throwing a 1940s inspired tea party where they gave out tasters of food that would have been eaten at the time the NHS was created!
On Ward 517 at QEHB, staff decorated the ward with pictures of the hospital from 70 years ago right through to the present day staff who work on the ward. Patients were served cake and tea on the ward, helping to bring a wonderful spirit to the day.
Mike Hammond, Chief Executive of the hospital charity, said: “I was delighted to see that so many members of staff across the four hospitals got involved in celebrating this landmark anniversary by holding a tea party within the hospital today. It has been a wonderful day and the hospital charity is extremely grateful to everyone who has taken part, whether that be baking cakes, selling cakes or donating money to support the Charity.”
If you held an NHS 7Tea party today, then why not send your pictures over to the Charity? Whether that's by emailing charities@uhb.nhs.uk or by finding the Charity on social media, be sure to spread the word! Pictured above is the tea party held in the Learning Hub at QEHB with special guests including Right Honourable Jacqui Smith, Chair of UHB and David Mackay, Chair of the Trustees for the hospital charity.
To support the work of the hospital charity by making a donation to mark 70 years of the NHS, please click here.