In Memory of Peter Bache

Sadly on 11th April the hospital charity lost one of its fundraisers and friends. Peter Bache was a husband, father, grandfather, businessman, sports fan, rugby obsessive, friend and so much more to so many people. After a diagnosis of prostate cancer in February 2017 he also became a patient at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and went on to add ‘incredible fundraiser’ to his list of acclaims.
During his treatment Peter had found walking quite difficult so decided that once recovered he would set himself a walking challenge and thought to follow in the footsteps of Dick Whittington and walk from Gloucester to London. In Spring 2018, with friends and family taking on various legs of the gruelling walk with him, he completed his challenge and was greeted by the Lord Mayor of London at Mansion House. In doing so he raised £61,000 for the QEHB Charity Prostate Cancer Fund and Prostate Cancer UK.

Peter presenting the cheque to Professor Nick James following the Dick Whittington Walk in 2018.
After learning more about Professor Nick James and QEHB Charity’s ambitious project to create a 'Man Van' Peter was inspired to do more. This van would be a mobile health unit, and would move around the West Midlands empowering men to talk about their health which was something he felt passionate about.

To incorporate his love of rugby Peter decided that this time he would plan a walk from Twickenham Stadium to Stourbridge Rugby Club, coinciding to finish at their May Ball event with 1,600 guests in attendance. As plans unfurled the opportunity to bring a a cycle ride into the event was also brought on board. Pass The Ball – by hike or by bike would raise money for the Man Van through QEHB Charity’s Prostate Cancer Fund and the Rugby Football Union’s Injured Players Foundation.

The triumphant Pass the Ball team at the end of their journey.
Thanks to hundreds of kind supporters via Peter’s family, friends and contacts the event raised over £120,000. During the Pass the Ball event Peter again had to receive treatment but it did not stop his passion or drive resulting in an incredible amount of money raised which surpassed everyone’s expectations.
Peter not only achieved an amazing amount of fundraising which is supporting our Man Van project but he also vastly supported raising awareness of prostate cancer especially to the business community in Birmingham and in the world of rugby.

Pass the Ball raised an incredible sum to help support the fight against prostate cancer.
From Peter`s ambitious ideas, and the love and support of friends and family, along with the rugby community Peter raised well over £180,000 in his 2 years of fundraising and we are also grateful that his inspiration and enthusiasm will be a legacy that will remain with the charity for a long time.
Cathryn Worth, Fundraising Manager, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham Charity.