‘Lap Cat to Lioness’ challenge

Ophthalmic technician Lauraliz Partoon, nicknamed ‘Kitty’ has decided to take on a mammoth challenge to raise money for QEHB Charity.

Kitty decided earlier this year that she wanted to complete a full marathon, she said “It’s on my ‘30 before 30’ bucket list to run a half and full marathon, so I thought why not just combine everything – get fit, complete my bucket list and fundraise at the same time.”

In the space of March to November Kitty has ran in several events including a 10km in April, a Half Marathon in August and a full Marathon soon to take place, all of which are virtual challenges. Virtual running works exactly the same as any other type of running but the difference is that the entered race can be run at any location, at any pace, inside on a treadmill or outside in another country!

Outstandingly, Kitty is going to run a full marathon with just nine months of training, however, with her intensive training over the year, she is more determined than ever to complete it and tick the marathon off of her bucket list!

Kitty’s main inspiration to fundraise for Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham Charity came from her role as an Ophthalmic technician in Ophthalmology (eye department), she said:

“Around two million people in the UK live with sight loss, and as a technician working in ophthalmology at QEHB, I know all too well just how important having the latest technologies and machinery is to all our patients, it’s potentially sight-saving!

“That is why this year I’ve decided to take on the biggest sporting challenge of my life to help raise money for the Ophthalmology department. The challenge has been called ‘Lap cat to Lioness’ because like a lazy lap cat I did little to no exercise but by the end of the challenge I hope to have the stamina of a fully grown lioness that can run for miles.”

Before taking up this challenge I was like a lazy lap cat, I did little to no exercise, however, during the nine months of the challenge I have developed leaps and bounds, hence where my title of ‘Lap cat to Lioness’ came from”

Rachel Learmonth, Senior Fundraiser at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham said: “A huge thank you goes out to Kitty, on behalf of the Charity I would like to express how grateful we are, as a charity we wish to provide added extras that go over and above what the NHS can afford. With help from Kitty, we will be able to provide the Ophthalmology department with the latest equipment that is currently not available at the QE. Thank you, Kitty!”

If you would like to help support Kitty in completing her fundraising target and be a part of providing sight-saving pieces of machinery and technology to the QE, please click here.