Laura Crane Youth Cancer Trust helps patients

In 1996, Laura Crane lost her battle against cancer and tragically passed away at just seventeen years of age.
Almost immediately after her death, The Laura Crane Youth Cancer Trust was founded, and has been providing support for young cancer patients ever since.
The charity gives grants for research and support, aimed specifically at young cancer patients.
In November 2015, the trust donated a grant of £5,000 to the Young Person’s Unit at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham to help fund the brilliant breakfast club, which brings the patients together and helps to make firm friendships between patients and staff, DVDs, and games on the ward. As well as supporting those things already in existence, the charity has donated laptops and iPads for the use of the young patients on the ward.
Sian Averill, Fundraising Officer at QEHB Charity, said: “We are incredibly grateful for the generous support of the Laura Crane Youth Cancer Trust in helping young cancer patients at the QE in regard to entertainment. The staff at the QE are passionate to make the stay in hospital as comfortable as possible for young patients with cancer, and this donation will really help them in that mission.”