Liver Unit team at QE to run Birmingham 10k for patients

Eight members of the Liver Unit at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham will be swapping scrubs for sports gear as they tackle the Birmingham 10k on Sunday 1 May.
Thamara Perera, Consultant Surgeon, Irene Scalera, Specialty Registrar in liver surgery, Rebecca Prinsep, Theatre Practitioner, Bettina Buchholz, Junior Specialist Doctor in liver, Pooja Prasad, Speciality Registrar in liver surgery, Dawn Bishop, Liver Transplant Co-Ordinator, Alinaswe Mukwambe, and Emily Attiwell will be taking part in the Birmingham 10k in order to raise money for research into liver transplantation.
Irene Scalera, Specialty Registrar in liver surgery at the QE, said: “We’re running for the Liver Foundation because we really want to raise money to enable more research into liver transplantation at the hospital. This important research into making more organs available for transplant will save lives in the future. Having gotten in to running in the last six months, we’ve created a buzz within our team and we want participate in many more runs in the future!”
Michael Tivey, Fundraising Officer at QEHB Charity, said: “We are delighted that the Liver Unit has decided to form a team for the Birmingham 10k. The Liver Unit at the QE is the largest in Europe and performs over 200 liver transplants per year, as well as undertaking many research projects into this particular branch of medicine. On behalf of QEHB Charity, I want to wish the team the best of luck at the 10k, and thank them for their training efforts thus far!”
To donate to the Liver Unit Team’s JustGiving page, please click here, and to find out more about QEHB Charity’s Liver Foundation UK click here.