Meadway Sports Dominoes Team spread joy!

Pictured: Ian Lomas and Matron Piper Wilkins
Ian Lomas and the team at Meadway Sports Dominoes Team have been supporting the children's department at Heartlands Hospital since 2016!
When asked why Ian is so passionate about supporting the hopsital charity, he said: "My good friend Sean Kelleher passed away on 24th december 2015.
"I had known Sean for many years before starting to play dominoes for his team in 2004. I eventually took over as treasurer for the team. Sean always said to me one day it would be my team.
"Sean had been ill for a number of years but battled on. When he passed away, I wanted to do something to keep his memory alive. After speaking with his wife Sandra, affectionately known by me as Momma K who still plays for us, she said if you do something for Sean please do it for Wards 15/16 at Heartlands."
Sophie Westlake, Senior Fundraising Officer at UHB Charity, said: "Over the years, Ian and the team have raised nearly £4,000 in loving memory of Sean. An incredible amount which has made a real and lasting different to the children we look after. Being in hopsital is scary for anyone, let alone a child. We are so grateful to Ian and the team for helping make their patient journey a little easier."