NSL donate toiletries to Chaplaincy

The team at NSL in Birmingham have got together and collected lots of toiletries to donate to the Chaplaincy here at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.
Thanks to their donation, patients who come to hospital with no toiletries will have access to some from the Chaplaincy, and those who use the Redthread services at the hospital.
Redthread’s mission is to empower young people to thrive as they navigate the challenging transition to adulthood by integrating trauma-informed youth work into the health sector.
They see lots of young people whilst in the hospital and a donation of toiletries will help them even further in their transition to adulthood.
Cathryn Worth, Fundraising Manager at QEHB Charity, said: “Thank you so much to the team at NSL for collecting all of these items for the Chaplaincy. They will come in great use to those who come to the hospital without any belongings, and also for the young people who need the help of Redthread.”
To find out more about the hospital charity and what we do, please click here.
Picture: Client Account Manager Trinia Clarke and Civil Enforcement Officer Mark Aston with Chaplains at QEHB