Parents raise £1,000 for Neonatal Unit!

Stephen and Gemma Taylor have donated £1,000 to the Neonatal Unit at Heartlands Hospital after staff looked after their daughter, Phoebe, who was born prematurely at 27 weeks.
Phoebe spent the first four months of her life in the Neonatal Unit; however, she is now full of beans pictured above presenting a cheque with her parents and the nursing staff who care for babies just like her.
Stephen and Gemma raised the money via donations taken in memory of her father as well as donations from her Auntie and Uncle’s dance club. Gemma is also taking part in a sponsored walk on 18 July named ‘Mini’s first miles’ organised by Stacey Shaw (Neonatal Senior Ward Sister) in order to raise even more funds for the Neonatal Unit.
The couple said to the Charity that they “still take Phoebe to the Heartlands and Good Hope Neonatal Parents Catch Up group fortnightly” where they get to catch up with staff and other parents and their babies.
Sabrina Hussaine, Fundraising Assistant for Heartlands Hospital Charity said: “We are extremely grateful to Stephen and Gemma for their donation to the Heartlands Hospital Neonatal Unit, they have raised an astonishing amount of money”
To find out more about Heartlands Hospital Charity and its Neonatal Ward, please click here.