QEHB Charity awarded grant by BBC Children in Need for young cancer patients.

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham Charity is absolutely delighted to announce that it has been awarded with funding from BBC Children in Need!

Thanks to a grant of £9,988 from BBC Children in Need to QEHB Charity, the Teenage Cancer Trust Young Patients Unit (TCT YPU) is able to continue funding many added extras on the ward. The hospital charity will now be able to continue to provide TCT YPU’s weekly pizza nights and breakfast clubs for the next three years. Activities such as these are not only a yummy treat but they are also a way to encourage young cancer patients to socialise.

The pizza nights are a great way for patients to invite their friends or family over to the hospital for a bite to eat in the communal kitchen and chat over pizza and watch TV, patients are encouraged to invite their family such as younger siblings and friends up to the ward for some normality. Activities such as this are vital for giving the young person diagnosed with cancer back control over their life and some normality, it gives them a sense of purpose and a reason to get up, dressed and out of bed whilst still receiving their treatment. They also help to educate and build confidence as the young people can learn about nutrition at the breakfast club and learn new skills such as smoothie making.

The BBC Children in Need grant will not only go towards supplying delicious treats to the unit, but it will also be used to provide activities that will be centred on learning skills and bonding sessions. Throughout the year seasonal occasions such as Easter, Halloween or Christmas will all have tailored activities that help to build the patient’s self-esteem, confidence and help to empower them as they continue with their cancer treatments for example T-shirt and candle making.

Senior Fundraiser, Sophie Carroll said: “ We are so grateful for being awarded this grant from BBC Children in Need, knowing that the pizza nights, breakfast club and activities funding is secured for the next three years is incredible, it is amazing to be able to offer these added extras to the young people on the ward.”

You can donate to the TCT YPU here, please visit: hospitalcharity.org/youngpeoplewithcancer