Ruby Wedding Anniversary celebrations bring in money for liver patients

Birmingham couple Anne and David Walker have recently celebrated their Ruby Wedding Anniversary by holding a party for their friends and family. In lieu of gifts, the couple asked that their friends donate money to the Liver Foundation, part of QEHB Charity.

Their generous family dug deep and have raised between them over £500 which will support liver patients at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.

The couple were inspired to raise money for the Liver Foundation as David is currently awaiting a liver tranplant and has been treated at the hospital for many years.

It is not just Anne and David that have been encouraging donations, Anne's mother is soon to celebrate her 90th birthday and has also asked her friends to donate to the Liver Foundation instead of buying her gifts.

Head of Fundraising for QEHB Charity, Justine Davy, said: "QEHB Charity's thanks go to Anne, David and their family and friends for raising such a fantastic amount of money to support liver patients at the hospital.

"The Liver Foundation provides research and equipment for liver patients over and above that which the NHS would normally fund and it relies entirely on the generosity of people like Anne and David."

To find out more about the Liver Foundation and the projects that it has funded, please visit