Warwickshire Freemasons donate £40,000 for brand new incubators
Good Hope Hospital Charity and Heartlands Hospital Charity is aiming to raise £150,000 for brand new state-of-the-art incubators for the Neonatal Units across the two sites that will help treat the tiniest of lives at the hospital.
Each year, approximately 11,000 babies are born at Heartlands Hospital and Good Hope Hospital, and over 800 of these babies will require the support of the Neonatal Unit. The unit provides care for newborn babies and offers a welcoming and friendly environment for parents and families in their time of need.
Some babies are born up to four months early and can weigh as little as one pound. These tiny babies require intensive care and support and are cared for around the clock. The hospital charity is proud to support the incredible work of the staff on the unit by providing the very best equipment possible.
After hearing about this incredible appeal, The Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire has donated £20,000 and pledged a further £20,000 to the hospital charity to help us provide the unit with state-of-the-art equipment.
The Provincial Grand Master of Warwickshire, Right Worshipful Bro. David F. Macey, visited the Neonatal Unit at Heartlands Hospital to see one of the incubators in action. He said: “The work undertaken on the Neonatal Unit is both outstanding and futuristic. It was a real privilege to meet the staff and witness their total dedication to their tiny patients and their families.
“As the Head of Freemasonry in Warwickshire I am extremely proud of the generosity shown by our members which will enable premature babies to remain close to their families at such a critical time in their lives.
“I am sure that the two incubators that have been funded by us, when combined with the skill of the staff on the wards, will give all the babies a strong fighting chance.”
The incubators will allow much easier access to the baby for the nurses and mothers without causing any heat loss.
They will also be able to cool the baby as some premature babies need specialist therapeutic hypothermia to reduce the likelihood of brain injury. Currently, babies who need this treatment have to be transferred to another hospital.
Thanks to them, the Charity will be able to purchase the incredible pieces of equipment that will help the staff look after those tiny babies that are in need of some extra care.
Laura Power, Fundraising Manager at Good Hope Hospital Charity, said: “A huge thank you to the Warwickshire Freemasons for pledging £40,000 for the brand new incubators the Neontal Units across Good Hope and Heartlands.
“The brand new incubators will improve the care of tiny babies born in the hospitals and will prevent them having to be transferred to another hospital for their care and treatment.”
To find out more about our Newborns in Need appeal, please click here.