World Prematurity Day 2020

Tuesday 17 November 2020 is World Prematurity Day, and University Hospitals Birmingham Charity is using the date to launch its new prematurity packs that will help parents during their time on the Neonatal Unit at Heartlands Hospital and the Special Care Baby Unit at Good Hope Hospital.
We caught up with Jodie Causier, the Family Integrated Care lead for University Hospitals Birmingham to find out a bit more about the packs.
The packs include a babygrow suitable for a tiny, premature, baby, a muslin cloth, drinks and supplies for the parents, and information from the staff on the unit. These packs will be given to parents as they arrive on the units, helping them to settle in.
Sabrina Hussaine, Fundraising Officer at University Hospitals Birmingham Charity, said: “Adjusting to life on the Neonatal Units is difficult for parents. They will arrive here, perhaps in the middle of the night, and they often will not have any provisions with them. These packs, generously funded thanks to our donors and supporters, will give parents some essentials to help them in their first days on the unit.
“Often, parents of premature babies will spend days, weeks or even months on the unit before being able to bring their babies home, and here at University Hospitals Birmingham Charity we are committed to doing all that we can to support parents and babies during their time under the care of our neonatal teams.”
Find out more about how you can support our work with newborns in need here.