Couple to host soirée to raise money for cancer patients

Birmingham couple Rebecca and Rod Lee are hosting a black tie dinner to raise money for the Colostomy Department at Heartlands Hospital and the Cancer Centre at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. The pair were inspired to host the event after Rod received treatment for rectal cancer at Heartlands Hospital and QEHB.

The dinner, for which tickets are still available, will be held on 17 November at the Swan Inn, Whitacre Heath and promises to be an excellent evening with food being provided by international chef Simon Smith and entertainment from DJ and compère Mark Tolliss.

Rebecca and Rod hope to host as many as 150 people at the dinner and are incredibly thankful to the Swan Inn owners Andy and Lisa Garbett who have provided the pub free of charge for the evening.

Rod was diagnosed with rectal cancer in March 2017 and, after assessment at Heartlands Hospital Colonoscopy Unit, received chemotherapy and radiotherapy at QEHB in order to shrink the tumour.

In September, Rod had successful surgery at Heartlands Hospital to remove the tumour and prevent the cancer from spreading. After his treatment, Rod was determined to give something back to those who had treated him, saying: “The staff at Heartlands Hospital and QEHB are dedicated, caring and highly personable.

“Quite simply they save lives and I wanted to find a way to express my gratitude for their help and support throughout my treatment.”

Rebecca added: “Rod and I heard some sad stories during the course of Rod’s treatment and it made us realise just how lucky Rod was. By putting on this event I hope that cancer patients in the future can benefit from the money that we raised.”

Sian Averill, Fundraising Manager at Heartlands Hospital said: “It is wonderful that Rod and Rebecca have decided to put on what promises to be a fabulous evening of food and entertainment to raise money for Heartlands Hospital Charity and QEHB Charity.

“It is always special when patients decide to do something to raise money following their treatment and Rod’s story is no exception. Funds raised will help the Charity continue to go over and above to support cancer patients through their treatment.”

If you would like to buy a ticket please contact Rebecca Lee on 07876 226350. Tickets are £50 per head and include a three course meal and entertainment. The tables seat ten people and are being sold on a first-come-first-served basis. Dress code is black tie and posh frock.